About Me, Vincent Carriuolo, "That's C-A-R-R-I-U-O-L-O."

Interests: breathing, music, literature, golf, art, snowshoeing, writing, kayaking, meditation, skiing, walking/hiking, theatre (preferably drama), comedy clubs, concerts, art museums, poetry readings, working out and elephant polo at tiger tops, nepal (just seeing if you're still reading). some favorite films: the bicycle thief, dr. strangelove, 81/2, the diving bell and the butterfly, babette's feast, being there, city lights, everything is illuminated and life is beautiful. favorite reads: 100 years of solitude; the short stories of raymond carver; the divine comedy; the power of now; j. krishnamurti's the book of life; the short stories of eudora welty and ethan canin; 

the poetry of t.s. eliot; matsuo basho and robert frost; the odyssey; death and the penguin; dictionary of the khazars; the secret language of symbols; a path with heart; zen flesh, zen bones; gift from the sea; siddhartha and anything by: j. krishnamurti; eckhart tolle; jack kornfield; anthony de mello s.j.; thich nhat hahn; thomas merton; shunryu suzuki, : meister eckhart; emmett fox and ram dass. play blues harmonica. like color: cobalt blue. like flower: paper white narcissus. last read: one hundred years of solitude (again), quotes: just this. --anon. we don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. --anais inn, a friend of bill w.

I Work Well In Demanding Environments

Lawrence Correctional Alternative Center, Lawrence, MA: One of the places where I've worked.

Lawrence Correctional Alternative Center, Lawrence, MA: One of the places where I've worked.

Daybreak Homeless Shelter, Lawrence, MA: Another one of the places I've worked.

Daybreak Homeless Shelter, Lawrence, MA: Another one of the places I've worked.

I Work Well With Others

Gift Of Awareness #1,732: Yet Another Reminder We're Part Of A Larger Whole. Tedesco Country Club Crew, Marblehead, MA, July 2012, MA Amateur Tournament. Me, standing, fifth from left.

Gift Of Awareness #1,732: Yet Another Reminder We're Part Of A Larger Whole. Tedesco Country Club Crew, Marblehead, MA, July 2012, MA Amateur Tournament. Me, standing, fifth from left.


Vincent Carriuolo
Creative Director, Copywriter, Storyteller, Content Creator, Writer
236 North Street Georgetown, MA 01833
T: 978.518.2768
E: vin@carryolo.com

Summary of Accomplishments

•  FinancialForce.com: Brainstormed event / marketing concepts for FinancialForce.com (ERP cloud-based financial/PSA on Salesforce platform) for Dreamforce 2014, the world’s largest annual software technology & innovation conference hosted by Salesforce.com in San Francisco, CA.

 Soquent: Created name and brand positioning for new investment organization founded by a former Accenture consultant that identified ventures with high potential for financial returns and positive social consequences in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Hilton Worldwide: Wrote all copy, based on strict brand guidelines and research, for
online proposal packaging to persuade corporate meeting planners to book Hilton properties in Boston, MA.

ABiSee: Created brand-positioning line, web copy, ad campaigns and marketing materials for ABiSee, a Massachusetts-based manufacturer of smart readers and magnifiers for the visually impaired.

Winbrook: Repositioned 43-year old document management provider/print distributor in a declining market that helped company grow from $15 million to $20 million within four years.

Microsoft Corporation: Planned, branded and created Just Rewards integrated anti-piracy program for Microsoft’s Eastern U.S. sales region that helped generate $42 million in sales in the first year and evolved into a national program.



Tedesco Country Club
Marblehead, MA 2011-Present

Ski Liftie/Ambassador
Ski Bradford
Bradford, MA 2010-Present

Copywriter/Content Creator
Ipswich, MA 2009-Present

Director of Marketing
Billerica, MA 2004-2009

Seminars and Workshops

Stuart Sander’s Prospect Profiling & New Business
November 1994
Tom Monahan’s Creative Summer Camp
August 1997
Tom Monahan’s Creativity Workshop
October 1994 and February 1993
Creative Concepts
The Advertising Club of Greater Boston, March 1989


Vertical Expertise

Banking & Finance
Banknorth Company
Cambridgeport Bank
Cape Cod Bank & Trust
John K. Dwight Asset Management
Vermont Federal Bank

General Consumer
Digital One TV
Direct Home Furnishings
Harrington's Of Vermont
McArthur’s Smokehouse
Madico, Inc
Methuen Mall
NEOS, Inc.
Northeastern Scale Models
North Meadow Health & Fitness
Rhino Foods
Seventh Generation
Timberpeg Post & Beam Homes
Trinity College
Vermont Family Farms Milk

Sporting Goods
Ruds, Inc.
Skis Dynastar

Basin Harbor Club
MudFoot Adventure Travel
Plimoth Plantation
Top Notch at Stowe

General Business-to-Business
Matthew Bender & Company, Inc.
Page After Page
Thomson Newspaper Company


1996 New England Direct Marketing Association
Shoestring Budget Award
1995 Bell Ringer Awards Publicity Club of New England
Super Bell: Best of Show  
Bell: Best Direct Mail Piece

Ruds, Inc: Created award-winning dimensional mailing campaign for sports apparel client, resulting in 30% response and placements in Fortune, Outside and Men’s Health.

Skis Dynastar: Developed creative strategy and created campaign that helped increase market share from #5 to #2 and repositioned client in a declining market.

• CMGi, Inc: Created and wrote two corporate identity brochures that demonstrated the synergy of its integrated companies to increase awareness, investment and new business.

GenRad, Inc: Created ProcesSmart™ brand to re-position GenRad and define a new manufacturing category. Created and wrote all direct response, print, promotion and collateral of highly successful integrated communications program.

General Electric: Developed strategy, branding, creative and wrote all marketing communications direct response collateral for an integrated national program to persuade employees to switch to GE Health Cared Preferred, a managed care health plan. The program helped GE save more than $5 million in the first year and continued to save GE millions of dollars.

• Essex County Sheriff’s Department: Created and implemented innovative cognitive-behavioral-based curriculum for substance abuse treatment. Facilitated groups and counseled individual participants.

• Tedesco Country Club: Prepared private golf course for the 104th Massachusetts Amateur Championship as a lead member of the club’s 22- person ground crew. 


Substance Abuse Recovery Counselor 
Essex County Sheriff’s Department
Middleton, MA 1999-2004

Copywriter/Creative Director 
Supreme House of Creative
Newburyport, MA 1995-1999

Copywriter/Creative Director
Burlington,VT 1992-1995 

Principal/Creative Director
Salem, NH 1989-1992

Demonstrated Expertise

Copywriting; creative & content direction; B2B blogging; RFP writing; branding & naming; strategic planning & management; survey development & implementation; community management; social media integration; brainstorming facilitation; event management; marketing leadership; presentation management, speaking & PowerPoint creation; social networking, community building; micro-content creation; data analytics, on-line survey tools, content management software and community management.

Advantage Health Corporation
Day One
Fletcher Allen Healthcare
Franklin Family Medical Center
GE Health Care Preferred
Lowell General Hospital
Morton Hospital & Medical Center

High Tech
CP Clare
CMGi, Inc.:
ADSmart Corporation
Black Sun Interactive
CMG Direct Interactive
Engage Technologies
Freemark Communications
Ikonic Interactive, Inc.
Lycos, Inc.
NetCarta Corporation
Parable Corporation
Planet Direct
SalesLink Corporation
Vicinity Corporation
GenRad, Inc.
Geographic Data Technology
Hager-Richter Geoscience, Inc.
JJA, Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
The Taylor Group
The 6200 Group
Thomson Interactive Media
Wheelabrator Technologies 


References & physical portfolio available upon request.