Lift Attendant View in the Upper Hornet Shack at Ski Bradford on Saturday night.
Vincent never imagined he be sitting where he was at age 56. However, it was revealed to Vincent sometime during his 4-hour shift that he was, in fact, to paraphrase James Thurber who had paraphrased Red Barber, "sitting in the catbird seat."
Chair after chair passed by him with smiling fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers and sisters, teen angels and teen anarchists, boyfriends and girlfriends, young, old, in-between, graceful skiers and not-so-graceful skiers--all united in the simple play of sliding down the snow under the lights on a cold New England night. And Vincent was fortunate to find himself in the middle of it all. Steeped in joy. Embraced by love. What a place to be. Thanks.