It's All In The Transition


tran-si-tion noun
the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another

Chair # 34 climbed slowly and steadily above the packed granular. Vincent observed the lines in the snow left by skiers. Some were jagged, and messy, reminding him of the poor penmanship of the hapless few, himself included, in Miss Getty's fourth grade class. Others showed signs of skidding at the top of the turn, washouts caused by getting in the backseat. However, a select few were  glistening, serpentine declarations of sublime awareness, surety and presence. Two simple, sharp lines cut so perfectly in the white crystalline canvas that they reflected the brilliance of the noontime sun in a continuum that seemed to have no beginning and no end. "The transition is what it's all about," Vincent mused. All he could do was smile.

Vincent Carriuolo

Interests: breathing, music, literature, golf, art, snowshoeing, writing, kayaking, meditation, skiing, walking/hiking, theatre (preferably drama), comedy clubs, concerts, art museums, poetry readings, working out and elephant polo at tiger tops, nepal (just seeing if you're still reading). some favorite films: the bicycle thief, dr. strangelove, 81/2, the diving bell and the butterfly, babette's feast, being there, city lights, everything is illuminated and life is beautiful. favorite reads: 100 years of solitude; the short stories of raymond carver; the divine comedy; the power of now; j. krishnamurti's the book of life; the short stories of eudora welty and ethan canin; the poetry of t.s. eliot; matsuo basho and robert frost; the odyssey; the secret language of symbols; a path with heart; zen flesh, zen bones; gift from the sea; siddhartha and anything by: j. krishnamurti; eckhart tolle; jack kornfield; anthony demello s.j.; thich nhat hahn; thomas merton; shunryu suzuki, : meister eckhart; emmett fox and ram dass. play blues harmonica. like color: cobalt blue. like flower: paper white narcissus. last read: one hundred years of solitude (again), quotes: just this. --anon. we don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. --anais inn, a friend of bill w.