It is important not to merely listen to what is being said and accept or reject it but to observe the process of our own thinking in all our relationships. For in relationship, which is the mirror, we see ourselves as we actually are. And if we do not condemn or compare, then it is possible to penetrate deeper into the whole process of consciousness. And it is only then that there can be a fundamental revolution -not the revolution of the communist or what you will, but a real regeneration in the deepest sense of that word. The man who is freeing himself from all conditioning, who is fully aware-such a man is a spiritual man, not the man who merely believes. And it is only such a spiritual man who is capable of producing a revolution in the world. Surely, that is the fundamental issue for all of us- not to substitute one belief for another belief, to join this group or that, to go from one religion to another, one cage to another. As individuals we are confronted with enormous problems, which can only be answered in the process of understanding ourselves. It is only such spiritual human beings-who are free, unconditioned-who can create a new world.
J. Krishnamurti/Amsterdam 1955,Talk 1