Questioner: You observe fear and find yourself moving away from it. What are you to do? Krishnamurti: First of all, do not resist moving away. To observe fear you must give attention, and in attention you are not condemning, not judging, not evaluating, but just observing. When you move away, it is because your attention has wandered, you are not attending—there is inattention. Be inattentive, but be aware that you are inattentive—that very awareness of your inattention is attention. If you are aware of your inattention, be aware of it, do not do anything about it, except be aware that you are inattentive; then that very awareness is attention. It is so simple. Once you see this, you will eliminate conflict altogether; you are aware without choice. When you say, “I have been attentive, but now I am not attentive and I must become attentive”, there is choice. To be aware means to be aware without choice.
J. Krishnamurti/Beyond Violence, p 71