So I, me, is confusion, not that I realize I am confusion, or that I have been told that I am confusion, but the fact is: I, as a human being, am in a state of confusion. Right? Any action I do will bring more confusion - right? You understand? So I am in a state of total confusion. And all the struggle to overcome it, suppress it, to be detached, all that is gone - right? I wonder if it has! You see how difficult it is for our minds to be precise in this, to learn about it, to be free to have the leisure to learn. Then what takes place? I am confusion; not I realize I am confusion. You see the difference? I am that. Therefore what has happened? All movement of escapes, suppression, have completely come to an end - right? If it has not, don't move from there. Be free first of all escapes, of all verbal, symbolic escapes but remain totally with the fact that you are, as a human being, in a state of confusion - right? Then what has taken place? We are two friends talking this over, this is not a group therapy, or any of that nonsense, or psychological analysis. It is not that. Two people talking over together, saying now we have come to that point, logically, rationally, unemotionally, therefore sanely. Because to be sane is the most difficult thing. So we have come to that point: that is I am that. What has taken place in the mind? Right, can we go on from there?
J. Krishnamurti /Brockwood Park 3rd Public Talk 6th September 1980