Revolution, it seems to me, can take place only at the highest level, which must be discovered; and you can discover it only through self-knowledge, not through the knowledge gathered from your ancient books, or from the books of modern analysts. You must discover it in relationship, discover it, and not merely repeat something that you have read or heard. Then you will find that the mind becomes extraordinarily clear. After all, the mind is the only instrument we have. If that mind is clogged, petty, fearful, as most of our minds are, its belief in God, its worship, its search for truth has no meaning at all. It is only the mind that is capable of clear perception, and therefore of being very quiet, that can discover whether there is truth or not, and it is only such a mind that can bring about revolution at the highest level. Only the spiritual mind is truly revolutionary, and the spiritual mind is not the mind that repeats, that goes to church or to the temple, that does puja every morning, that follows some kind of guru or worships an idol. Such a mind is not spiritual; it is really a silly, limited mind; therefore, it can never freely respond to challenge.
J. Krishnamurti/Collected Works, vol. IX",195,Social Responsibility