There is fear of insecurity, of not having jobs, or having jobs, being frightened to lose them, of the various forms of strikes that are going on, and so on and so on. So most of us are rather nervous, frightened of not being completely physically secure. Obviously, but why? Is it because we are always isolating ourselves as a nation, as a family, as a group? Is this slow process of isolation—the French isolating themselves, also the Germans, and so on—gradually bringing about insecurity for all of us? Can we observe this, not only outwardly? By observing what is happening outwardly, knowing exactly what is going on, from there we can begin to investigate in ourselves. Otherwise we have no criteria; otherwise we deceive ourselves. So we must begin from the outer and work towards the inner. It is like a tide that is going out and coming in. It is not a fixed tide, it is moving out and in all the time.
J. Krishnamurti/On Fear, p 61