Intellectually, you are suffocated; you never think for yourself originally, you repeat; you accumulate knowledge from books, and you can repeat endless phrases from the Gita or the Koran or from the latest writer, or this or that. So, intellectually, you are thwarted, suffocated, controlled, shaped, and there is no release intellectually. Nor emotionally—emotionally in the sense not sentimentally.… So the only thing that we have then is sex. Suppressed, intellectually, emotionally, there is no outlet, there is no sensitivity. And naturally the only thing that is left is sex. In the office, in daily life, you are insulted. The ugliness of modern existence where you are merely a cog in a vast social machine—do look at yourself, please. So the wife, and the husband and sex—sex becomes extraordinarily important and out of proportion, and therefore sex becomes a problem.
J. Krishnamurti/The Collected Works vol XIV, pp 289-90