It's all connected. As Vincent cut the approach to #14, his thought of the the big donut he saw in the rack that morning when he stopped for his medium sized regular. Who would eat such a thing? Would office cronies share it, forks and knives in hand? Would one person polish it off and call it a day? Is there a correspondingly sized cup of coffee to go with it? He also thought of superstrings, hidden dimensions and the quest for the ultimate theory for all things. Actually, donut and coffee cups are the same (if one were working in clay, one could make a coffee cup from a donut and a donut from a coffee cup without tearing the continuum). The Calabi-Yau Shapes were just donuts with a twist--lots of twists actually. It was all just one continuum. "Look inward. Look outward. You're looking at the same thing. Nothing. No thing. Joshu's Dog. Time, space and donuts. It doesn't get any better than this," Vincent mused.