Desire is part of pleasure. The fulfillment of desire is the very nature of pleasure. Desire may be the cause of disorder--each one wanting to fulfill his own particular desire.
So together we are going to investigate whether desire is one of the major causes of disorder; we must explore desire, not condemn it, not escape from it, not try to suppress it. Most religions have said, “Suppress desire”—which is absurd. So let us look at it. What is desire? Put that question to yourself. Probably most of us have not thought about it at all. We have accepted it as a way of life, as the natural instinct of a man or a woman, and so we say, “Why bother about it?”. Those people who have renounced the world, those who have entered monasteries, and so on try to sublimate their desires in the worship of a symbol or a person. Please bear in mind that we are not condemning desire. We are trying to find out what is desire, why man has, for millions of years, been caught not only physically but also psychologically in the trap of desire, in the network of desire.
J. Krishnamurti/That Benediction is Where You Are, pp 50-51