You see a beautiful car, you touch the polish, see its shape and texture. Out of that there is sensation. Then thought comes and says, “How nice it would be if I got it, how nice it would be if I got into it and drove off.” So what has happened? Thought has intervened, has given shape to sensation. Thought has given to sensation the image of you sitting in the car and driving off. At that moment, as that second, when thought creates the image of you sitting in the car, desire is born. Desire is born when thought gives a shape, an image, to sensation. Now, sensation is the way of existence, it is part of existence. But you have learnt to suppress, conquer, or live with desire with all its problems. Now, if you understand this, not intellectually but actually, that when thought gives shape to sensation, at that second desire is born, then the question arises: Is it possible to see and touch the car—which is sensation—but not let thought create the image? So keep a gap.
J. Krishnamurti/That Benediction is Where You Are, p 54